The ice covered magical paradise is an all but faded memory and reality has set in. Clean up efforts are fast and furious statewide, with our little town being no exception. Across Kentucky, nearly 85% of the estimated 792,000 residents who originally lost power due to the storm have regained power. Thankfully, our home has power, water, and heat.
The beautiful ice caused bold, upright, majestic trees to split, break, and uproot under the added weight and stress of the ice. In so many cases, as was the case at the home of 3 Magpies, not one tumbling tree branch damaged our home. It was as if the hand of God directed the falling limbs away from our home. This scenario was played out at home after home after home... I have heard countless tales of homes being "protected" from ice covered falling trees. Isn't
God good?
My littlest magpie and I cleared the limbs and debris from our backyard today. We worked carrying sticks, limbs, and some larger branches to the edge of the yard to haul off or burn at a later date. The front yard, as seen somewhat in these photos, is another story. The massive limbs are from two 60 year old Oak Trees and from two smaller trees, as well. Little magpie's tree house was covered in sticks and small limbs, but no damage was sustained to the tree house. Again, aren't we blessed?!? I think we will leave that clean up effort to the professionals. It just seems too daunting to the 3 Magpies.
May the hand of God protect you and all you hold dear as he has protected 3 Magpies.
I am so happy to hear you are all safe and back into your home...There is no place like home...
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