Sunday, February 1, 2009

Ice, Ice, Baby

On the wee new hours of Tuesday January 27 at 1:18 am an ice storm of epic pppproportions hit Western Kentucky chilling the residents to the bone and practically paralyzing the state. As of Sunday, over 500,000 residents are still with out electricity, most have no water, and many are without telephone service... neither landline nor cell service. This has been devastating so some, debilitating to others. I prefer to look at this as another adventure...

First let me say the dawn of Tuesday was a moment I'll always remember. Looking out at the ice covered trees and terrain was surreal. Imagine being surrounded by glistening trees in still silence. I have never felt anything quite like it. The breathtaking beauty of it all was too much for words. My mother said it looked like science fiction, my brother thought it looked like a prehistoric setting, the girlie girl in me felt like I had been thrust into a magical land and I expected to see unicorns at any moment.

This has caused much stress to many. The elderly and sick are shut in without access to many necessities. The area in which we live is rural with many winding backroads. In our county, all the roads have been closed to traffic, curfew has been imposed, and all local businesses are closed. One restaurant has been utilizing generators and the kindness of townsfolk to prepare meals and deliver them to the residents of our village by the lake. This small town of 350 people has a huge heart. I spent one day delivering the meals with a friend. My brother and mother have delivered meals, too. The recipients are so kind and gracious.

My brother built a generator to use temporarily at his home. (He has subsequently rebuilt it seven times... but, hey, whose counting!) Even during the coldest days, his house maintained a warm 60 degrees. Mine, on the other hand with no generator or heat is situated around 36 degrees. I am thinking of buying a generator in the next day or two. We'll see. I have witnessed the kindness of strangers and the generosity of friends through these days of need. I have seen the angst of teens unable to text, communicate through facebook, or recharge their iPods. I have witnessed the cleverness of youth in finding ways to entertain themselves. I hope the school libraries are ready for the mass droves of elementary children ready to take AR tests upon returning to school because when all else failed, they **gasp** read books!

This weather situation has been an experience... I sat in line at a generator powered gas station for three hours to get ten gallons of fuel. With that ten gallons of fuel, I have gotten out of iceland... That's where I am now and that is why I have power for this laptop and that will be the topic of the next post...

Until then... STAY WARM and appreciate the things you take for granted.

The ice was beautiful and God is good!


Girl Rants said...

thinking of you and the girls alot. dont tell me not to worry.


Girl Rants said...

p.s. this narrative is amazing and fun! i do so enjoy your writing. seriously you brother rocks.

i bet there was a unicorn.

chug a lug through the ughs.


3 Magpies said...

Hey Girl,
We are okay, don't worry! And yes, my brother is like MacGyver or something. We are all hanging in there and making the best of it!

Girl Rants said...

of course you will!
think of the photo opps im missing.

Chef E said...

I am glad you guys are doing okay!

Girl Rant posted about you, so I was concerned...

Just telling it like it is said...

Oh my yes the ice beautiful but I'm glad I'm not in it...don't do well in cold weather...;)

Tamara said...

Wow! I will NEVER complain about Texas humid weather again.Shees! It seems like most of my blog-faves arev sayin this SAME thing.WOW!
I really couldn't...or well,wouldn't much care for that kind of weather.How do ya'll keep from stayingb sick all the time?

Walker said...

I love ice storms.
Its like walking out into a glass world the next day.
Did I say walk?
I meant one step then your butt is sliding down the laneway as you take in that breathless view all around you as you go by.