Saturday, February 28, 2009

Jewelry Jewelry Jewelry

This has been a busy week at work and even busier at home. To wind down and enjoy life a little, I made some cutecutecute earrings. Creating jewelry always makes me feel better!


Girl Rants said...

oooooh pretty!!!

Walker said...

The look nice.
Is it the picture that makes them look big or are they really that big?

Just telling it like it is said...

I love stars!

Tamara said...

Those are neat-o! Do you have some sort of kit to do those?
How creative!

Tamara said...


Clelia said...

They are so unique! I like them


3 Magpies said...

Girl: Thanks! I think so, too!

Walker: They aren't too big. They are 1.5 inches from earwire to tip. I think the photo is enlarged.

jtilii: I'm star struck, too!

Tammi: Sorry. My laptop had to go to the shop. Motherboard and powercord went kaphooey. Too much blogging, I think! The earrings are not a kit. I designed and created them myself. WooHoo!

Clelia: Thanks! They represent how I feel: understated and all original!

THANKS FOR ALL THE COMMENTS and patience while my laptop gets to feeling better!

JL said...

I love, love, love, my heart necklace. I am wearing it today! I've received a zillion compliments. You are to jewelry what Dari is to photography!!
Thank you!
Janie Lewis

3 Magpies said...

JL: Whoa! Can't imagine I deserve the analogy... but THANKS so much! I, too, lovelovelove your necklace. It is one of my faves. Wear it in happiness and good health. I hope to see you @ ShOtS2! D

Girl Rants said...

ShOtS 2 whooooooooooooooooooooooooot

(insert happeeee dance)